it was a rewarding experience 意味

  • 報われるところの多い体験だった


        rewarding experience:    報いのある[やりがいのある]経験{けいけん} Teaching illiterate adults to become literate is a rewarding experience. 読み書きのできない大人に読み書きができるよう教えるのはやりがいのある経験です。
        very rewarding experience:    非常にやりがいのある経験
        not rewarding:    《be ~》報いられることが少ない
        rewarding:     rewarding adj. 報われる; (…するだけの)価値がある, (…する)かいのある. 【副詞】 He finds work with disturbed children emotionally rewarding. 精神障害のある子供たちと仕事をするのは気持ちの上で報われると感じた financially rewarding jobs 経済的に報われる仕
        hugely rewarding:    大いに報われる
        rewarding book:    読みがいのある本
        rewarding job:    働きがいのある仕事
        rewarding trip:    実りの多い旅
        self rewarding:    {形} :
        self-rewarding:    {形} : 自己{じこ}に報いのある[有益{ゆうえき}な]
        create a mutually rewarding relationship:    互いに実り多い関係{かんけい}を築く
        financially rewarding jobs:    経済的{けいざいてき}[金銭的{きんせんてき}]に報われる仕事{しごと}
        highly fruitful and rewarding:    非常{ひじょう}に実り多く価値{かち}がある
        mutually rewarding discussion:    互いに実り多い話し合い
        rewarding good and punishing evil:    rewarding good and punishing evil 勧善懲悪 かんぜんちょうあく


  1. "it was a regrettable incident" 意味
  2. "it was a regular banquet" 意味
  3. "it was a remark made in sport" 意味
  4. "it was a remark that i could not allow to pass by lightly" 意味
  5. "it was a revelation to me" 意味
  6. "it was a risky venture, but we carried it off" 意味
  7. "it was a rotten morning, gray and dank" 意味
  8. "it was a rough kind of justice, but it was nevertheless justice" 意味
  9. "it was a ruinous loss to the company" 意味
  10. "it was a remark that i could not allow to pass by lightly" 意味
  11. "it was a revelation to me" 意味
  12. "it was a risky venture, but we carried it off" 意味
  13. "it was a rotten morning, gray and dank" 意味

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